Public Comment Procedures

  • Members of the public may request an opportunity to provide public comment to the Board of Commissioners for the State Charter Schools Commission (SCSC) by sending an email request to the SCSC Office Coordinator, Crystal Saldana, [email protected], by no later than 9:00 a.m. the morning of any regularly scheduled board meeting.
  • Persons wishing to provide public comments must attend the regularly scheduled SCSC board meeting in person. Only in exceptional circumstances shall the SCSC Board of Commissioners receive public comments through virtual or remote means.
  • Individuals unable to attend regularly scheduled board meetings to offer public comment may submit written comments to the SCSC Executive Director. The SCSC Director will report written public comments to the Board of Commissioners consistent with the Download this pdf file. SCSC Board Communications Policy .
  • During regularly scheduled board meetings, the SCSC Board Chairperson will recognize individuals present in person who timely submitted a public comment request. Generally, public comments will be heard during the public comment portion of the meeting. At the discretion of the Chairperson, the order in which the board addresses agenda items may change to facilitate an orderly and efficient meeting.
  • Each person recognized to provide public comment shall direct comments to the board as a whole and restrict comments to no more than three (3) minutes unless permitted to exceed this limit by the Chairperson. The SCSC board may, but is not required to, respond to comments made in writing or in person.
  • If several members of the public desire to make comments about the same topic, the Chairperson may require individuals to select a spokesperson to speak on behalf of the group.