2017-18 Comprehensive Performance Framework Updates
Georgia is required to comply with federal education requirements as outlined by the U.S. Dept. of Education (USED). This compliance is determined in large part by the state’s adherence to an overall “education plan” which is drafted at the state level and submitted to/approved by USED. This plan is commonly referred to as the state’s “ESSA Plan” (ESSA = Every Student Succeeds Act). Georgia’s updated ESSA plan was approved by USED earlier this year, and it required some adjustments to several College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) indicators and calculations. These adjustments are reflected in the 2018 CCRPI that was released by the Georgia Dept. of Education (GaDOE) in late October. While state charter school leaders are already aware of how the new calculations will impact their schools, the SCSC Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF) required updating to ensure alignment between the SCSC’s accountability measures and those encompassed within the state-approved accountability tool.
Commissioners adopted the CPF amendments at the November SCSC meeting. The 2018 CPF updates are outlined in the documents below.
2017-2018 Framework Amendments - Outlines the specific CPF measures being changed and provides a detailed explanation of the adjustments
Updated 2018 CPF - The CPF with changes highlighted
Presentation of Proposed CPF Amendments - Summary presentation shared at the October SCSC meeting