
The SCSC was established via constitutional referendum in 2012 after the passage of Download this pdf file. House Bill 797 . While the SCSC's duties are set forth in law and extend beyond simply authorizing schools, the SCSC's principal obligations include:

  1. Reviewing petitions for state charter schools and assisting in the establishment of state charter schools throughout Georgia;
  2. Developing and promoting best practices to encourage the development of high-quality charter schools;
  3. Promoting high standards of accountability for state charter schools; and
  4. Monitoring and annually reviewing the academic and financial performance, including revenues and expenditures, of state charter schools and holding the schools accountable for their performance pursuant to the charter.

More than 50,000 students across Georgia attend one of the SCSC's 49 state charter schools. State charter schools offer unique and innovative educational models, such as language immersion, single gender, virtual, blended learning, and science and arts-focused, and serve all types of students, including students of color, students with disabilities, English-language learners and gifted students. Find a state charter school

SCSC Strategic Plan: Growing a Brighter Future

The State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia Board of Commissioners adopted the agency's inaugural strategic plan at the June 2022 board meeting.


The SCSC is governed by a board of seven commissioners who are nominated by the Governor (three seats), the Lieutenant Governor (two seats) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (two seats) and appointed by the State Board of Education. 

Commission Staff

The commission staff consists of 15 members working in four divisions: Petitions & Compliance, Charter Development, Research & Evaluation, and Business & Operations. The staff is responsible for day-to-day management of the SCSC in alignment with the Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan and other directives as established by the Commissioners.

Role of the SCSC

As an authorizer, the SCSC assists with charter development, reviews petitions for both start-up schools and renewals, monitors schools annually in the areas of academics, finances and operations, and holds schools accountable for performance pursuant to the charter contract.

Role of GaDOE

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) also plays a role in state charter school operations. Specifically, GaDOE calculates and distributes funds to state charter schools, acts as the SEA for federal programs, and oversees assessment and the statewide academic accountability system for all schools.