School Performance Review

State charter schools that earn an Approaches, Varied or Does Not Meet CPF designation enter a performance review process to address deficiencies.

Performance Review Process

School Performance Reviews (overview)

The SCSC annually evaluates state charter schools using the Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF), which assesses academic achievement, financial viability, and operational compliance. Schools earn one of five academic designations—Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Varied, or Does Not Meet—and one of three financial and operational designations —Meets, Approaches, or Does Not Meet.

  • Schools that exceed or meet standards require no further action. 
  • Schools that receive an Approaches, Varied or Does Not Meet designation in any CPF category must participate in a tiered review process to address deficiencies and improve performance.
Performance Review Process Flowchart 1.png

Annual Timeline (School Performance Review)

Annual Timeline

The School Performance Review process begins each year once CPF reports are finalized and continues until all required documentation is submitted and approved.

Below is a typical timeline. Schools will be notified annually of the exact timeline and key dates.

Early MarchCPF reports finalized; Notification, Review, and Probation Letters issued. 
30 Days After LetterReview and Probation Letter responses due.
By End of JuneRequired Outcomes documentation submitted for review and approval; process concludes.

Performance Review Tiers

Schools that earn an “Approaches”, “Varied” or “Does Not Meet” CPF designation will participate in one of three review processes below: 

Tier 1: Notification

The Notification Letter explains that while the school did not exceed or meet performance expectations, SCSC staff have reviewed the school’s information, and no further action is required at the time. However, the school is strongly encouraged to identify areas of improvement and internally employ relevant interventions.

Tier 2: Review

The Review Letter will outline areas of concern and require that the school provide a written response addressing specific deficiencies identified by SCSC staff. After reviewing the school response, if deemed necessary, the SCSC may also employ Required Outcomes or place the school on probation.

Download this pdf file. Sample Tier 2: Review Letter

Tier 3: Probation

A Probation Letter will be sent to schools that meet the requirements outlined in SCSC Rule 691-2-.10 Suspension and Probation and rise to a level of concern beyond the Review Letter stage. A probation letter can be issued at the same time as a Notification Letter or Review Letter or after SCSC staff have reviewed Review Letter responses and continued concerns exist.

NOTE: Schools can be placed on probation at any time, even outside of the performance review process and timeline, if circumstances warrant such placement according to the terms listed in the relevant rule cited above.

Performance Review Actions (Required Outcomes)

The SCSC will take appropriate action and impose meaningful consequences on schools that do not meet or exceed standards and enter Tier 2: Review or Tier 3: Probation. Actions and outcomes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Directed or limited the use of administrative withhold funds
  • High-risk financial monitoring
  • Performance improvement plan
  • Reduction of state or federal funding
  • Required training
  • SCSC Board presentation




Katie Manthey

Director of Research and Evaluation