How many locally-approved charter schools are there in Georgia?

There are currently 48 locally-approved charter schools in Georgia. Of the 48 charter schools, there are 46 start-up charter schools and two conversion charter schools.

What is a start-up charter school?

A start-up charter school is a charter school that did not exist as a local school prior to becoming a charter school.

What is a conversion charter school?

A conversion charter school is a charter school that previously existed as a traditional public school.

How are local charter schools held accountable for academic results?

Local charter schools are held accountable for academic results through their charter contract with an authorizer (the local school district). The contract stipulates certain academic performance goals that the school must meet in order to fulfill the terms of its charter.

How do I find out how a particular local charter school is doing?

Information regarding a charter school’s performance can be accessed on the Georgia Department of Education’s Accountability website.

How do I find out how a particular local charter school is doing financially?

Charter schools are required to submit an annual financial statement (for conversions) or an audited annual financial statement (for start-ups) to their authorizers by October 1 each year. This information is available to the public through the school, the local district, or the Office of Charter School Compliance. It is also published in the OCSC’s annual report of charter schools.