How Do I …
Renew a Locally Approved Charter?
Submit a Letter of Intent
At least six months prior to petition deadline.
Submit a Charter Renewal Petition
To both the OCSC and your local authorizer(s).
Local Authorizer Reviews Renewal Petition
The local authorizer(s) will review the renewal petition and conduct panel interviews.
Local Authorizer Takes Action on Renewal Petition
The local authorizer(s) will decide on the renewal petition after you complete the renewal process.
OCSC Reviews Renewal Petition
If approved locally, submit any additional renewal petition materials to the OCSC, highlighting changes made to the petition based on local district feedback. The OCSC will conduct a review and panel interviews.
OCSC Takes Action on Renewal Petition
The OCSC will make a recommendation to the State Board of Education.
State Board Votes on OCSC Recommendation
The State Board of Education will vote on the recommendation submitted by the OCSC.