Resources for Newly Approved State Charter Schools
The SCSC has created a suite of supports available to newly approved state charter schools. Participation is voluntary and intended to build the capacity of state charter schools before they open, given the strong connection between early success and long-term academic success of charter schools.
New School Orientation Webinar
In the New School Orientation Webinar, SCSC staff discuss the resources available to newly approved schools in the Planning Year, including SCSC onboarding resources, the pre-opening checklist, and other guidance documents.
Pre-Opening Checklist
The pre-opening checklist outlines timelines for the tasks that should be completed prior to opening a school. Tasks are organized by category and precedence. Priority milestones must be completed by the designated deadline and require documentation submission to the SCSC. Supporting milestones are necessary to ensure a successful first year, however, the timeline for completion is suggested.