Training Opportunities

The SCSC offers state charter schools a variety of training opportunities and technical assistance support throughout the year. 

Annual Governance Training

Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 20‐2‐2084(f), requires that every member of a governing board of a state charter school participate in annual governing board training.

Governance Training Policy for State Charter Schools

The SCSC Board of Commissioners adopted a new governance training policy to promote high-quality charter schools and ensure compliance with Georgia law (O.C.G.A. § 20‐2‐2084(f)). This policy establishes differentiated training requirements for new and tenured governing board members at state charter schools.

Download this pdf file. Governance Training Policy for State Charter Schools

Guidance Document

This guidance document is designed to help state charter schools understand and comply with the new governance training requirements for governing board members. It outlines the annual training expectations for New and Tenured Members, provides details on approved training providers, and explains the process for verifying training completion.

Download this pdf file. Governance Training Guidance for State Charter Schools

Questions? Contact Michele Neely at [email protected].

Request an Exception for New Board Members to Receive Alternate Training

Pursuant to the Governance Training policy and guidance, new governing board members must receive New Member training from the SCSC. New Members of state charter schools may request an exception to receive New Member training from an alternate provider through this form

FY25 Training Calendar

Secure your spot in an upcoming governance training event by clicking on the dates below to register.

Past Governance Training Materials

Information and materials from past training opportunities can be helpful as well to see what was taught and to view presentations from past courses.

SCSC-Sponsored Opportunities

The SCSC covers the cost for state charter schools to access the training opportunities listed below.

GCSA Financial Management Certification Program

GCSA’s Financial Management Courses are tailored to address the unique financial issues facing charter schools. GCSA’s Financial Management Certification Program is offered virtually and consists of six courses, each divided into two four-hour sessions within the same week. Registration is open to all interested charter school employees and board members. Participants can register for individual courses or the entire program. 

Register Today 

Winter/Spring 2025 Course Schedule

CourseDescriptionDate and Time 
Government Accounting 101Understand the basics of accounting, navigate the GaDOE LUA accounting manual, and learn how to avoid common accounting mistakes.Feb 3 & 4, 
8 a.m.
QBE Funding & School Budget DevelopmentGain a comprehensive, big-picture and detailed understanding of the QBE formula and all its input variables.Feb 24 & 25, 
8 a.m.
Foundational & Strategic Fiscal Policy Development, Implementation & EvaluationRecieve a foundational policy framework and learn the basics of policy development, implementation, and evaluation. Mar 24 & 25, 
8 a.m.
Procurement Policies & Practices, Payroll & Compensation Practices
Learn best practices for the entire procurement cycle, policy and regulatory implications, the relationship between internal controls and procurement, the RFP process, and best practices. TBD
Internal Controls, Legal Requirements & Best Practices, Effective Financial OversightLearn to develop and maintain robust internal control structures, systems, and policies to ensure that sound fiscal management practices are in place.TBD
Audit Preparation Best PracticesDevelop an understanding of the audit process and the audit preparation process.TBD
Courses without a scheduled date are anticipated to be scheduled between April and June.

Additional Information

The SCSC covers the cost of the courses for all state charter school participants.

If an attendee misses a course, they will have the opportunity to complete it again in the next semester. Following each of the six required courses, attendees must take and pass an exam (with a score of 75% or higher) to earn their certification. Participants have up to three years to take and pass all exams to earn certification. 

Additional Course Information
Registration Form


State Board of Education Approved Governance Training Providers

Tenured board members who do not wish to participate in SCSC training or who do not fully attend SCSC governance training must seek alternate training through this list, which reflects the most current approved training providers.



Michele Neely

Senior Director of School Support and Outreach


Naquita Smith

School Support and Outreach Coordinator